
On 2014/04/06, in 网络, by Blxc

None Null Nothing Nil





On 2013/08/21, in 网络, by Blxc



core确是英特尔处理器的一个系列代号,就是众所周知的 酷睿。但是这里的QM可不是Quality manage(这跟处理器有啥关系啊!),
而是要分开讲。Q是quad(意为 “四重、四倍”),代表是四核,是四核心的CPU;M是mobility代表是移动级处理器,即笔记本用的处理器。
3,说明是酷睿i系列的第三代,即ivy bridge的cpu。
6,代表在第三代中这个CPU的地位高低,比如,同样是i7,i7 3720qm就比i7 3610qm更高等。
1,代表在6这个地位段,具体的性能定位,比如,如果今后出了i7 3630qm,
那i7 3630qm性能会比i7 3610qm好,i7 3630qm频率会比i7 3610qm高。
0,代表CPU的其它特性,比如i7 3612qm的功耗比i7 3610qm低,i7 3615qm的集显比i7 3610qm的频率更高。
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On 2012/01/17, in 生活, 网络, by Blxc

前几天老谢提供的空间的da面板突然出现了问题,导致了博客一度无法访问,看着错误页面一度惶恐不安,害怕自己的博客再一次流产,还好有备份的数据,不过谢老大由于服务器问题,无法再提供空间赞助了,在wp中文论坛辗转了几天,终于找到了 罗伊 的 保罗主机(http://paulhost.com/)为我提供赞助,罗伊人很好,在此感激!找到新空间后就是我面临的第一次博客搬家,怕麻烦别人,就自己在网上找了很多教程,不过做教程的认为一些东西非常简单,就不再赘述,而自己是第一次弄这些,所以也不明白,于是走了很多弯路,最好还是谢老大帮忙解决的,da面板可以直接备份和还原,非常简单!





1.首先得到你的网站备份,懒一点得人最好直接备份全站,这样搬家起来也方便,得到的备份文件后缀应该是  *.gz

2.进入后台,找到文件管理器,或者用ftp软件上传你的备份文件到    backups


3.同样是上图的,进入   建立/恢复 备份    然后在最底部就可以找到你刚上传的网站备份数据了,直接恢复,很快的。



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On 2011/10/29, in 生活, 网络, by Blxc







I was deep in thought preparing a lecture to be given that evening at a college dross town , when the photo rans , A woman I had never met introduced

herself and said that she was the mother of a seven-year-old boy and that she was dying . she said that her doctorhad advised her that discussing her

coming death with her little boy would be too cruel for him , but somehow that didn’t feel right to her .

      Knowing that I worked with grieving children , she asked for my advice . I told her thatour heart was often smarter than our brain and that I thought

she knew what would be best for her son . Ialso invited her to attend the lecture that night since Iwas speaking about how children deal with death . She

said she would be there .

      I wouldered later if Iwould recoginize her at the lecture , but my question was answered when I saw a weak woman being half-carried into the room by

two adults , I talked about the fact that children usually sense the truth long before they are told and that they often wait until they feel adults are ready to

talk about it before sharing thrie concerns and questions . Isaid that children usuallycan deal with truth better than denial , even though the denial is

intended to protect them from pain . I said that respecting . children meant incluing them in the family sadness , not shutting them out .

      At the break , she hobbled to me and through her tears she said , “I knew it in my heart , I just I should tell him .” She said that she would that night .

      The next morning I received photo call from her , Imanaged to hear the story though ger choked voice . She awakened him when they got home the

night before and quietly said , “Derek ,I have somthing to tell you .”

      He quickiy interrupted her saying , “Oh , Mommy , is it now that you are going to tell me that your are dying ?”

      She held him close and they both sobbed while she said ,”Yes.”

       After a few minutes the little boy wanted down . He said that he had somthing for her . In the back of one of his drawers was a dirty pencil box . Inside

the box was a letter . It said , “Goo-bye , Mom , I shall always love you .”